Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top five best ski movie of 2011/2012

Well the season of 2011/2012 is over and another batch of good films came out that are worthy of acknowledgement. Whether you like park, big mountain or both then these are something you might consider.

Top 5 Ski Movies Best of 2011-2012

January 12th, 2012 Source: http://skigenie.com/ski-movies-2/top-5-ski-movies-best-of-2011-2012/  Here are the top 5 ski movies of 2012.  Check out the ski movie reviews, trailers, descriptions and cheapest price on the net:
#1: Attack of La Nina (Match Stick Productions) - $27.95

#2: The Grand Bizarre (Poor Boyz) - $27.95

#3: After Dark (Level 1 Productions) - $24.95

#4: Wintervention (Warren Miller) - $15.99

#5: One for the Road (Teton Gravity Research) - $27.95

Lange ski boot marketing

Lange Girls

With the invention of the plastic ski boot in 1962, they easily exceeded the performance of then state-of-the-art leather ski boots. In 1970, the first Lange Girl poster appeared with the moniker “Soft Inside.” The poster would be the beginning of a seemingly endless line of sexy women wearing pretty much nothing but Lange ski boots. Lange made ski boots sexy in a way that no one else could.
Girls wonder; "how do I become a Lange girl?"
   In fact it is pretty easy:
  • You must be eighteen (18) years old, legal residents of the United States at the time of entry and have Internet access. 
  •  Entries will be accepted beginning December 1st, 2010 and ending on January 14, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. MT 
  •  Entries must include a valid e-mail address for the entrant
  •  Photos must meet the photo format guidelines in order to be uploaded

Here are some of the best of the past. I love ski boots....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Already missin' winter..

It's the end of winter and now we wait impatiently
for six months. Instead of counting every day left till opening of next season, go out and do some other shit to make time fly.

Thing toDo #
     White water Rafting
Something to do with your family.
  Seasons when the water is high or low enough to be
  to be able to raft but here is a description of a rafting
  company that works on the Poudre River that is near
Blast Of Whitewater - Poudre River Rafting through Cache La Poudre Canyon Colorado with A Wanderlust Adventure  Fort Collins, Colorado.
Season - May 15 to early August.
Difficulty - Class III and IV, (Intermediate to Advanced). High water is from late May to late June. No experience is needed but participants need to be active and strong enough to paddle
hard through rapids. Wetsuit rentals are available
and highly recommended in May and June.
Minimum age - Varies from 18 in high water
to 14 at medium flows.


Mountain Biking
Cheap if you have your own bike, but some ski resorts rent out decent downhill bikes for a price.
  This is something that you can do all day without it getting old. Fun and fast. 
or you could just end up like guy on his face.

Or if your in the right spot of Colorado, eat some DP Dough Cal-zones when your chillin.